Carolina Loyola-Garcia is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, and educator. Her work reflects upon such issues as cultural dis/placement, language, post-colonialism, and the environment offering a critical view and questioning current notions of corporate economic development. She works primarily in media arts, including single-channel video art, video installations, digital printmaking, and most recently in documentary, and has also ventured into performance through theater and dance. Formally, she explores the possibilities that digital media offers for layering and compositing, as a mean to communicate various levels of discourse. Her work has been exhibited internationally in biennials, art shows, and film festivals such as the 10th Havana Biennial; InteractivA'07, Mexico; Bangkok Experimental Film Festival, Thailand; Three Rivers Film Festival, USA; Bienal de Video y Nuevos Medios, Chile; among others. She received her MFA from Carnegie Mellon University and is currently a professor of Media Arts at Robert Morris University.
Carolina Loyola-Garcia es videasta y artista de medios de origen chileno quien actualmente trabaja en los Estados Unidos. Su trabajo refleja su interés en los temas del biculturalismo, lenguaje, tecnología y postcolonialismo, entre otros. Ha desarrollado proyectos en video, instalaciones, performance y arte visual digital, y ha mostrado su trabajo en festivales de video, bienales y galerías de arte en diversos países, incluyendo Estados Unidos, Brasil, Tailandia, Chile, Canadá y México. Formalmente, le interesan las posibilidades que los medios digitales ofrecen para crear distintos niveles de expresión tanto en lo visual como en lo temático. Recibio su Master en Bellas Artes de Carnegie Mellon University y actualmente se desempeña como profesora de Media Arts en Robert Morris University.
Below/abajo: Fragile. Carolina Loyola-García

ResponderEliminarthis lady is brilliant....
love your artwork, although i must say my favorite piece of yours is the short "alegria."